Arbitrator Michael Werier’s ruling as it relates to Correctional Officers (MGEU) and the Province of Manitoba was handed down yesterday. The entire ruling has been passed on to the Corrections Bargaining Committee for review and analysis.

You can view a copy of the ruling here .

Of note, the Arbitrator ruled on the following issues:

1) Special Wage Adjustments

0% - 2010
0% - 2011
1.5% - 2012
2% - 2013

2) OC4 Parity with JC4

The Correctional Officer 4 will now have wage parity with the Juvenile Counselor 4 effective March 2011

3) CERU/IRT Allowances

The Correctional Emergency Response Unit and the Institutional Response Team will have their allowances doubled effective March 2012

4) Pensions

The arbitration denied any adjustments to the pension

In the coming months, your Corrections Bargaining Committee will provide a more detailed analysis of the arbitration and the revised salary scales. Any questions regarding the arbitration should be directed to your local bargaining representative.

In the meantime,the Bargaining Committee would like to encourage all members to update their contact information to ensure they receive a copy of the next newsletter and future bargaining communications.