Last week, the Province recognized June 14 as Home Visitors Day.

The Families First Home Visiting program is a critical component to Manitoba’s early childhood development services. Over the last 15 years, thousands of Manitoba families have received home visits, became better connected to resources in their own communities, and felt supported to become strong, positive parents to their children.

The MGEU joins with the Province in recognizing the integral role Home Visitors play in helping all Manitoba families reach their full potential.

“It’s great that the Province has devoted a day to honour the valuable work our Home Visitors do to strengthen our communities,” said Michelle Gawronsky. “The best part is that it gives us a chance to say ‘thank you’ to all Home Visitors for the work they do every single day of the year.”

In an open letter to all Home Visitors Kevin Chief, Minister of Children and Youth Opportunities, also thanked workers in the program and acknowledged in the coming weeks and months, that the Province “will be launching a public dialogue on early childhood development to learn more about what is working for families, and perhaps most importantly, the gaps we need to address to more effectively help young children and their families achieve their fullest potential.”

The MGEU encourages members to spread the word and take part in this “public dialogue” as the opinions from front line Home Visitors will be invaluable in identifying future improvements to the program.