Over three hundred delegates gathered in Ottawa from June 14-16 to put forward an aggressive agenda to counter the attacks on labour, on public services and on democracy currently being waged across Canada.

James Clancy, NUPGE National President, addressed delegates on Friday morning, welcoming them to Ottawa and reviewing the work of the National Union since delegates last met in June 2010.

On the first day, delegates discussed issues related to the National Union's ongoing All Together Now! campaign which has focused on the causes and consequences of, and solutions to reduce, income inequality in Canada. Delegates discussed ways to move the campaign forward, to engage a broader audience and to continue building a solid movement of support for public services and labour rights.

Keynote speeches: Chris Hedges and Chrystia Freeland

On Friday afternoon, Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Chris Hedges delivered a keynote address talking about the death of the liberal class, arguing that social movements, which have provided "all the true correctives to American democracy" have been undercut by corporate co-opting of the traditional liberal forces of the USA, notably the labour unions, press, churches, universities and the Democratic Party.

On Saturday, Chrystia Freeland, an acclaimed business journalist who has spent nearly two decades on reporting on the new transglobal elite, explored the tight-knit world of the new global super-rich. Paul Champ, leading labour reinforced the theme of Unions Matter with his speech, The Role of Unions in Advancing Human Rights in the Workplace and Social Rights for All. 

James Clancy and Larry Brown re-elected

James Clancy Larry Brown re-elected 2013

James Clancy was re-elected National President and Larry Brown was re-elected National Secretary-Treasurer of the National Union of Public and General Employees (NUPGE). The two leaders were returned unopposed for another three-year term.

“Thank you for the honour of representing you,” said Clancy. “I am proud of the work each and every one of you do, in every region of this country….We are meeting at a time when labour rights, trade unions and workers are coming under unprecedented attacks. We will be emerging from this convention with a strong action plan to counter these attacks and moving our agenda of justice, equality and fairness for all Canadians forward.”