Members at Knowles Centre are being denied their negotiated wage increase because the Provincial Government has yet to finalize the 2013 budget.

On April 1st, 2013, members of Knowles Centre were due to receive a 2.9% general wage increase, but the Province has yet to release the funds to the employer to provide these increases. As a result Knowles Centre is unable to meet their obligations under the collective agreement. This leaves the MGEU with little option, other than to proceed with a formal grievance demanding funds from the employer.

Although the Province maintains that agreements are negotiated and signed between the union and the employers, most not-for-profits are required to submit financial settlements to the appropriate Minister’s department for approval before they are able to commit to the funds actually being available to reach a tentative agreement.

In some cases, waiting for this approval adds months to the bargaining process. In others, the Province dictates to these not-for-profits as to what the monetary offers can or must contain if they are even going to be considered for approval.

The MGEU believes this type of bureaucratic red tape undermines the value of negotiating a collective agreement and will be diligent in making sure the membership get the increases they worked so hard to negotiate and ratify in good faith.