In recognition of a shared commit­ment to social justice, women’s equality, and inter­national solidarity, the Stephen Lewis Found­ation organized a Solidarity Tour for Canadian union members. From Winnipeg to Windsor – the 15-day tour will raise awareness and under­standing about the AIDS pandemic in Africa.

The Solidarity Tour kicked off here in Winnipeg on Saturday evening with leaders of the Manitoba Labour movement, activists from Kenya, Zimbabwe, and Zambia, Stephen Lewis Foundation supporters, and Government representatives.

The MGEU is a proud sponsor of the Stephen Lewis Foundation - Solidarity Tour, and several members of the MGEU Executive and Equity and Human Rights Committee, including MGEU President Michelle Gawronsky, were in attendance at the kick-off reception.

Three frontline activists, Wairimu Mungai, Netty Musanhu and Nathan Nhlane are headlining the tour – to tell their stories, share their expertise and talk about their challenges and triumphs in dealing with the ravages of AIDS in their communities.

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