MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

Brenda Buleziuk: Financial Clerk - Local 100, VGH Support


We may have a small hospital here, but the community we serve reaches far and wide.

Brenda Buleziuk has seen a lot in her 27 years as a Financial Clerk at the Victoria General Hospital.  She has many stories about the grateful words patients have shared about the care they’ve received and many more about the professionalism of her co-workers and how they never failed to put the needs of the patient above all else.

As a Financial Clerk, Brenda gets to interact with many individuals and patients that are from outside of Canada.  She enjoys this daily opportunity to help those in need and to hear their colourful stories and histories.

Brenda is also the Vice-President of MGEU Local 100 - VGH Support. She’s a proud MGEU member and has been active in her union for the last 15 years.  She says she wanted to get involved in her union because “there’s no better way to advocate for workers rights and fairness in the workplace.”

Brenda loves her job, but with the upcoming changes to Manitoba hospitals announced recently, she wonders what this will mean for her job. And she fears for the patients that have to make difficult choices when their healthcare options are reduced.

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