MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

Michif Child and Family Services - Locals 384, 385, and 422

Approx. Number of Members
Current Contract Expires
January 31, 2023
MGEU Staff Negotiator
Allison Long / Angela Bouchard
Elected Bargaining Committee Members
Michelle Huskilson, Local President Area 3 Daphne Kopecky, Local President Area 2 Jamey Bergson, Local President Area 1


The Michif Child and Family Services - Locals 384, 385, and 422 Bargaining Committee met with the employer on November 24 and they made progress towards completing an Essential Services Agreement. 

Further bargaining dates are set for December 18, 2023l, and January 19, February 1, and February 15, 2024.

Overview of Bargaining

Members of Michif Child and Family Services - Locals 384, 385, and 422 had an opportunity to put forward their ideas and proposals for improving their collective agreement at a meeting on October 23, 2023.

The Bargaining Committee then worked to pull together these proposals into a package to present to the employer.


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