MGEU - Manitoba Government and General Employees Union

Patient Transport Services - Local 451

Approx. Number of Members
Current Contract Expires
July 14, 2023
MGEU Staff Negotiator
David Singleton
Elected Bargaining Committee Members
Andrew Feteira Altrishia Claudio Jonathan Rider-Hepner


The Patient Transport Services - Local 451 Bargaining Committee continued negotiations with the employer on December 6, 2023. Another bargaining date has been scheduled for December 14, when the two sides will begin discussing monetary items, like wages and benefits.

Overview of Bargaining So Far

Members of Patient Transport Services - Local 451 had an opportunity to put forward their ideas and proposals for improving their collective agreement at a meeting on June 15, 2023.

The Bargaining Committee met on July 13, 2023 to compile these proposals into a package to present to the employer.

The Patient Transport Services - Local 451 Bargaining Committee exchanged proposal packages with the employer on September 13, 2023 and negotiations continued on September 26, and 27, 2023. 

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